Campbell Clinic Surgeons Offer New Option in Fight against Pediatric Scoliosis

Aug 13, 2014 at 04:03 pm by admin

MAGEC Rod Helps Limit Number of Surgeries While It Grows with the Patient

Over the past several generations, pediatric scoliosis has greatly hampered the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of children across the U.S. and the world. Thanks to a new innovation in surgical intervention and treatment offered right here in Memphis, patients and families have a new weapon in the fight against the disease.

The MAGEC (MAGnetic Expansion Control) procedure is offered by the pediatric spine surgeons at Campbell Clinic, and it has been a true “game-changer” in the way we treat severe cases of scoliosis in young children.

MAGEC offers a unique alternative to traditional growing rods, which typically require 8-10 repeated operations to lengthen the devices during a child’s growing years. The MAGEC device allows surgeons to straighten and correct the spine gradually and noninvasively.

MAGEC was approved by the FDA and released earlier this year to a limited number of U.S. centers. Campbell Clinic is the only orthopaedic spine team in the region who can implant and use the MAGEC device. Our team, along with the staff at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, performed only the 10th insertion of a MAGEC rod in the United States since it gained FDA approval earlier this year. We’ve since implanted two more. Based on the success we’ve seen during its utilization, I expect many more lives to be changed for children in our region through the use of this technology.

Using external magnets to control a rod implanted in the spine, this type of procedure will revolutionize the way we care for children diagnosed with progressive early-onset scoliosis. Saving a child from surgery every six months will have a significant, positive impact on their physical and emotional care and recovery. This will also minimize time out of school for children and work for parents.

Candidates for the MAGEC device undergo an initial surgery to implant an adjustable magnetized growing rod. Once the rod is implanted, it can be lengthened externally with a hand-held magnetized device, which eventually straightens the spine. This rod-lengthening process is performed in the office without the need for anesthesia and is painless. It takes about 15 minutes and is performed on patients every three to six months, eliminating the need for additional surgeries during the same time span. Patients see their surgeon for the first post-operative follow-up visit three months after the initial surgery where the device is implanted.

In the past, severe cases of scoliosis not only meant a significant reduction in activity levels, but also the potential for development of life-altering cardiac and respiratory problems. Approximately three percent of all children have some degree of scoliosis. While many children with scoliosis function with little or no pain or limitations, early-onset scoliosis with curves that approach or exceed 40 degrees carry not only severe health risks, but may also result in numerous trips to the doctor and numerous surgical procedures. Left untreated, scoliosis can continue to stunt a child’s growth and development through adolescence and can inhibit many basic functions throughout adulthood.

Campbell Clinic is the only orthopaedic practice in the region authorized to implant MAGEC rods. For more information, or to find out if your child or patient is a candidate for this procedure, please contact Dr. Jeffrey Sawyer at (901) 759-5404.

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