Sep 09, 2014 at 09:15 am by admin

I was deeply disturbed to read the front page story on what doctors and nurses say about each other in the May 2014 Memphis Medical News.  Questioning the accountability of nurse practitioners based on a statement by an unnamed physician who “recounted a story he heard from a colleague about a patient who…” is unconscionable and to publish it, even more so.  And the statement from this same physician that “the nursing board feels a nurse can do anything a doctor can do by taking a weekend course” is so wrong it would be laughable if it weren’t such a clear example of how some doctors view advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). 

APRNs are nurses with advanced graduate education and board certification in their practice focus. Dozens upon dozens of research studies have shown that quality care outcomes for nurse practitioners are as good as physician outcomes and patient satisfaction is generally higher.  It would serve the Memphis Medical News better if it refrained from publishing inaccurate, uninformed hearsay and stuck to accurate, researched information.

Sharon Adkins, MSN, RN

Executive Director

TN Nurses Association

Editor’s note:

Although it is not general policy for Memphis Medical News to use unnamed sources, it was done in the case of the two articles mentioned above. The intent was to get candid and truthful remarks from doctors and nurses about working with each other without fear of retribution and to open dialogue between the two professional groups.

The Memphis Medical News welcomes letters. To be published, letters must be signed and the writer’s contact information should be included. Letters, comments and suggestions should be sent to editor@memphismedicalnews.com.

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