MEMPHIS ON THE MEND: Mid-South Red Cross Chapter: 97 Years and Going Strong

Feb 06, 2014 at 09:14 am by admin

When you think of the Red Cross, the first thing that comes to mind might be the word “disaster."  Because wherever there is a disaster, we know that the Red Cross will be there -- almost to the point that we take it for granted.  We should all be reminded that those Red Cross volunteers are our neighbors, friends and co-workers.Think about it … Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, tornados in Joplin, Missouri (2011) and Moore, Oklahoma (2013).  Who was there to pick up the pieces and offer relief? Perhaps it was someone you know who stepped up to be an American Red Cross volunteer.The history of the Red Cross starts with someone who volunteered to help someone else in need.  It began in 1859 in Switzerland as a movement to help the wounded in war. Today the Red Cross is active in 180 countries and includes the American Red Cross. We’re very fortunate to have a chapter in Memphis that’s been in existence since 1917. Their mission of preventing and alleviating human suffering aligns nicely with the work of this reading audience. And, like you, they respond to the needs of Memphians who are hurting. Every day the Memphis chapter handles two to three calls – many times involving a residential fire where everything is lost, and food, shelter and clothing are immediate needs. Sometimes those in need require emergency meds. Regardless of each individual situation, Red Cross volunteers are dispatched and show up on the scene to help. Many times that help goes far beyond the call of duty. Stories and testimonials are on the chapter’s website: think you’ll be as surprised as I was to learn the range of services that the Red Cross provides. Basically, there are five main areas. Disaster Preparedness and Relief - We know that they show up in a disaster. But were you aware that they can also teach us how to prepare for a disaster? We’ll get into details later in this article. Health and Safety Education - In their last fiscal year, they trained 6,495 area individuals in first aid, CPR and other life-saving skills.Blood Services - Almost 40 percent of the blood used in Memphis hospitals comes from the Red Cross.Volunteer Services - More than 1,100 caring individuals volunteer at our local Red Cross chapter.Services to Armed Forces and Families - During the last fiscal year, they provided support services for more than 2,692 military service members and their families. This includes emergency communication services, support for the sick and wounded in military and veterans' hospitals and assistance in obtaining emergency financial support. They become acquainted with deploying troops in their “Get to Know Us” presentations.  Last year they introduced themselves to almost 4,000 troops. Here’s another wonderful program of the American Red Cross. After a disaster, contacting loved ones may not be easy.  You can go online: and list yourself as safe and well or find loved ones who are missing. Help Is Literally In Your HandsPreparedness is a word you hear frequently around the Red Cross. Seven Red Cross mobile applications can guide you through earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires and more!  Brand-new to this list of helpful apps is Pet First Aid!  If you go to the App Store on your smartphone and type in Red Cross, you’ll see all seven apps. They’re easy to download and very informative and helpful. How Can You Help?Two big ways:  DONATE and VOLUNTEER.  The Red Cross is a 501C (3) organization and does not rely on government funding.  Rather, they rely on donors for support.  Keep in mind that 91 cents of every dollar you donate goes to direct service and/or programs.  Your donations can provide essential and tangible help for those in need:$30   Covers the cost of a clean-up kit and comfort supplies for a family of four, including a mop, broom, squeegee, pail, sponge, disinfectant, degreaser, trash bags, etc. PLUS comfort kits with deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.  $100  Provides a full day of food and shelter for two people affected by a disaster.$585  Covers the cost to deploy one Emergency Response Vehicle and two Red Cross workers to a disaster operation for one day. This vehicle is designed to drive through disaster areas delivering meals and snacks, relief supplies, information and comfort.$1,000  Covers the cost of diapers, wipes and soy formula for 20 infants during their stay at a Red Cross shelter. $5,000  The Mid-South Red Cross chapter has a need for a supply of blankets and comfort kits.  Teddy BearsThere is a need for NEW teddy bears to give to children affected by disasters. DONATE BLOOD or Host a Blood DriveMedical practices can help by hosting a blood drive at your clinic and/or facility. For more information, call Ryan Norris at 501-772-3136 or email him at Do it as much and as often as your schedule permits. This is a 130-year-old tradition of neighbors helping neighbors in need.  There is a particular need for medical personnel to help out as mental health workers in a disaster. For more information, call Kevin Kuhns at 901-672-6351 or email him at BE AWARE AND SPREAD THE WORDFollow, like, subscribe and then re-post and re-tweet to get the word out about what our local Red Cross chapter is all other information, go to their website: you have suggestions on a non-profit or charity worth spotlighting in this column? Please send your nomination to me at

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