All of us in the medical community enjoy your newspaper tremendously. It is a shame however that you gave Dr.Manoj Jain the bully pulpit in your July edition. (Dr. Jain is running for Shelby County commissioner, District 13.) To be fair you should give equal time to his opponent, Steve Basar.
Not all physicians care for Dr. Jain’s progressive-liberal, government knows best agenda. When you read his columns in other forums and the one he wrote for your paper he is all about cradle-to-grave government control of your life. He wants the government to tell you what to eat, where to eat it and how to eat it. That is also how he sees his role as a physician. He believes he is smarter than the majority and thus must tell you how to lead your life.
He states as we look at Memphis we see no vision for the growth and educational progress that has occurred in Atlanta and Nashville. He then goes on to describe many things that would make the city better for sure but unfortunately his solution is bigger government which means more waste, more tax money that is wasted and inefficiency.
His paternalistic tone in his columns is insulting and demeaning and typical of so many that want to control the masses (see our present President). Thanks again for your very good medical newspaper and in the future remember to be fair and give equal time to the other side if you choose to let politicians like Jain have the bully pulpit.
Guy Voeller, M.D.,FACS
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