West Cancer Center Physicians Advocate for Oncology Patients at Capitol Hill

Jun 24, 2024 at 06:16 pm by pjeter


West Cancer Center & Research Institute proudly announces that two of their oncology providers, Dr. Michael Berry, Breast Oncology Surgeon and Dr. Gregory Vidal, Medical Oncologist and Director of Clinical Research recently visited Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.  They engaged with lawmakers from across the state and political spectrum to address crucial issues affecting cancer patients.

During their visit, Dr. Berry and Dr. Vidal joined several other physicians to discuss their concerns and propose actionable solutions to support their patients. 

Conversations included:


  • Ways to mitigate and prevent prescription drug shortages by addressing economic factors, support reliable U.S. manufacturing, identifying potential drug shortages earlier, and communicating shortage information to physicians to better prepare for supply challenges


  • Supporting continued cancer research by providing funds to the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health in 2025


  • Co-sponsoring the CONNECT for Health Act (H.R. 4189), which would permanently remove geographic and originating site restrictions so that Medicare patients can access telehealth services regardless of their location (without action, these flexibilities will expire at the end of 2024)


Our West family is so appreciative for the unwavering dedication and advocacy demonstrated by our physicians and those participating in these initiatives. We also invite the general public to join us in contacting state and national representatives in advocating for improved healthcare-related legislation. 

Sections: Grand Rounds